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规矩、规定和规则 傻傻分不清? – Copy

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There is no strict line to define “冷,热,很冷,很热,暖和,凉快”,It means if the temperature is 20 degrees celsius, we can’t define it as “热”,because people in Africa maybe feel a little bit chilly at this temperature. So people living in their own city might have their own definition of  “冷” and “热”,”暖和” and “凉快” are even harder to distinguish. Let’s use 15 degrees celsius as an example. If this temperature happens between winter and spring, then it’s better to use “暖和”,because it’s an upper trend. The same temperature happens between summer and fall. It’s better to use “凉快”to describe it. Cause it’s a down-trend.

All right, let’s see if you got it.

 fill in the blanks with proper words “暖和” and “凉快”

1,外面好冷啊,还是屋子里面_____。(It’s cold outside. It’s warmer inside.)

2,前几天气温一直在38度上下,今天终于阴天了,真是____。(The temps have been in the upper 38’s for the last couple days and today it’s finally cloudy and really cool.)

3,15度,对于秋天的天气来说算___的,对于春天的天气来说算___的。(15 degrees celsius is cool for fall and warm for spring.)